Thursday, June 28, 2007


Folks, just wanted to announce that I'm free and my time's available. My hand won't allow me much sewing, but my head's working, last I checked, so we have at least that.

Let me know if it can be of any use. Barring that I'll see you all Saturday.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ramblings of a silent Mouth

Ok, that's a stupid title to start with. Especially in a blog that has an Isaac Templeton as a member, blame my very limited intellectual capacity for it. the fact is, that i have been lying incapacitated, if i may so put it at home since saturday evening, there's a show today evening and then it is back to the bed... for the rest of this week at least, no being Pandey and bosssing over Bapu, no staring at Mitra, or snubbing Nama, MITRAPURAN, has suddenly become such a big part...why is it the people, the role, the rehearsals, the occassional GRAND treats!!! am just loving it, right now, i feel miserable that i will be off for another set of days...imagine an actor with a fucked up throat, pharyngitis, or something the doc called it, i begged him to get my throat back in shape, everything else is OK...Let's see, what happens, right now, i would like to apologise profusely to the MITRAPURAN team for phering pani in their sare kiye, and though this is a public forum and everything, i would like to say that a certain Trina Neelina Banerjee, who i thought a celebrity and a very distant being, is one of the best persons that i have come across, in the ten odd years that i have been with theatre, not just in the performance space but beyond it too, thanks Trina Di, not just for making the rehearsals fun, but for trusting me, i still think, am not worth it...
And yeah, the post might have about three and a half dozen mistakes of all sorts, please pardon, my back's still pretty bad, and ia m finding it rather difficult to sit straight for more than 5 minutes!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Dear Sets Team and Other Incidentals,
So there we were in largeglow restaurant with sheet glass windows looking through streaming raindrops and steaming coffee and soup, perched on first floor cornertable, in strange room with giantscreen boobs and ogglyogres and multicoloured Cannes flameroon...
Conversations strayed from Hyderabadi Biryani to Parisian lazyafternoons. Help!, I thought, here they are again, the words like wardens, and thoughts like lightstream, and at the end of the stretch the obvious taking of the bow and clapping off the illusion. With tip.
But I digress, in fact I began on a digressive note, except the image, which was honest enough.
I'm not sure of this play. Theatre is no more the runintosun and flyintosky... Whatever happened to the blindingrush I wonder... These faces, all of you and the rest of me, so strangered, turned to people, thinking living continuous people with protocols and methods and mindrubbish jerkoffs. Cut the chase, get to the undertheskirt, says he, at least the underthesheets.
I'm not sure of this play. I could never act. Never an actor. Or director, or anything. I just knew how to feel, and understand other minds and bodies and connect lovehates like stars; addicted to the blindingrush. But I could walk right off this world. And that one too.
There is no set, there is no set!! yet!! And all things technical still, now stand null and void. All our mindmaps and colourschemes and thematic ejaculations.
No, I shall not stick to protocol, I'm overriding coreteam decisions, I'm going to have sex with the colour palette and even it's rainbow haired mother. The rest of you can do whatever the hell you want. Only, make sure you feel. Feel.
I shall too.

What art? What direction?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Few Things...

Ok, so we have new Mitra and Nama.
Welcome Dola and Prakriti. Hope you will enjoy working with us.
But there are a few things that we need to take care of...

Rehearsals at Lake Garden People's Associations:
10th Sunday, June, 2007: 6.00pm to 9.00pm.
13th Wednesday, June, 2007: 3.00pm to 6.00pm.
15th Friday, June, 2007: 3.00pm to 6.00pm.
17th Sunday, June, 2007: 6.00pm to 9.00pm.
Only Members of the cast.
If we fx any other dates, we shall inform you.

Mirna please get Nama's stuff from Dana for the shoot on the 12th.
Joy please get the halogen lamps for the shoot on the 12th.

Gogol: We need to have a set meeting soon.

From the Director's Desk:

ei week days evening ar Sundays afternoon, na? Amar kache to tai lekha royeche. Ki re?

Dana shob jinish amake diye geche. Joyke reminder diyechi. :) Aaj phirlam.
